We were so excited to feature flying wish paper in our January 'To The Moon & Back' themed baby and kids boxes because these wishing paper kits make an absolutely perfect family tradition for the new year. Your kids will love making their New Year's wishes and be absolutely amazed by these cute little wishing kits.
What is flying wish paper?
So what is flying wishing paper anyway? If you've never seen wish paper before, you're in for a treat! It's a piece of beautifully designed paper that you write a wish on, roll into a tube shape, and ignite the top edge on fire. The thin paper will burn down for a minute and then float up into the sky, carrying your wish with it.
When we initially tried this product, we were a bit anxious about setting fire to the wish paper inside the house. Obviously, use caution and common sense while using this product.
To be safe, make sure you have at least 7 feet of space above the paper. I tried lighting wish paper on my kitchen counter, which didn't have 7 feet of space above it, and scared me a little when the ash drifted around my ceiling.
If you're still concerned about lighting wish paper inside, you may want to light one wishing sheet outside to see how it all works before doing it inside the house as a test. But I can confirm from experience that we've burned wishing paper in our home multiple times and the house is still in one piece.
How to Use Flying Wishing Paper
Step 1 - Write your wish
Think of your greatest ambition, most beloved goal, or special wish. Then, write it down on the special paper. If you're doing this activity with younger children, they can also decorate or draw on the wish paper. You can write words or draw pictures and symbols—whatever best represents your wishes, intentions, and dreams for the coming year.
Step 2 - Roll the paper
Then, focus on your wish as your roll up the paper into a tiny ball. It should be about the size of a marble.
Step 3 - Unroll the ball
Unwrap the ball gently and smooth out the paper... It should be crinkly, but flat.
Step 4 - Shape the paper into a tube
Wrap the paper around your index finger to create a tube. It should be around the size of a quarter.
You can use the circle on the wishing platform as a rough size guide. You won't have a proper 'chimney' to help it fly if the tube is too tight or too loose.
Step 5 - Light it
Stand the tube upright on the wish platform and touch a match to the top edge. If the tube falls onto the platform, just let it burn down and your wish will most likely still fly.
Step 6 - Watch it fly!
Watch the flying wish paper burn normally for about a minute. Then right at the last second it will magically rise off the wishing platform and float up into the sky, bringing your hopes, dreams, and wishes with it.
Don't forget to take a minute to glance around at your child's surprised face and cherish this moment for the rest of your life. I hope this magical wishing activity becomes a new favorite family ritual for you and your kids that you will continue to do year after year. New Year's greetings!
Be sure to check out our live-action video here. We also have a great step by step video tutorial.
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